If you’d like to share these Nordie Zines on social media, here are a few suggested soundbites you can borrow:
Personal, historical, visual. Nordie Zines!
Reflecting on a polarised past – but looking towards a hopeful future!
Ready to explore a disremembered shared history?
A visual curiosity about Ulster for the enquiring mind…
A little wonder-gift for your curious kinsfolk?
Ulster cartoons for both parent and child.

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#NordieZines #PatchworkProvince
Twitter: @BryanMMathers
About the Author
Bryan Mathers grew up in Banbridge, Co. Down during the troubles. He’s fascinated by the history that’s tripped over as an adult, but maybe should have been pondered at as a child. He loves stories, giving them and receiving them. Bryan is a professional cartoonist, based in London (for his sins). He is the founder of Visual Thinkery which helps organisations to visualise their ideas using cartoons.

Readers’ comments
These are perfect little gems. Bryan has managed to capture his highly individual style with universal appeal. I loved the sense of humour and irony that comes through them and yet the underlying messages of the books are quite profound.
They are brilliant… I can relate to so much of what you’ve written and illustrated so effectively… Reading these along with Claire Mitchell’s ‘The Ghost Limb’ has really helped me feel like I’m not the only one asking these kinds of questions and trying to forge a different path. Thanks for putting these together!