Author: Bryan Mathers

  • Aftermath and trauma

    Aftermath and trauma

    When I was 14, my family took a trip to the Scottish Borders to visit my aunt and uncle who’d bought a farm there. It was the first time I’d been out of Ireland and to me it felt like a whole new world. Bridies, Irn Bru, midges that were more bitey. And I distinctly…

  • On the Telly

    On the Telly

    We’ve been watching the Channel 4 series The Piano recently where the local talent pitches up to show what they’ve got on a piano set up in a train station. It’s inspirational. London – goes without saying. Manchester, Cardiff, Liverpool, Edinburgh – certainly. Belfast? Nope. I asked my wife why: My wife rolled her eyes…

  • A few thousand years of rain

    A few thousand years of rain

    There is an argument here – just hear me out. Now I’m not one to stir up trouble, but as far as I can see, the Celtic nations have been firming it on the Atlantic weather front for the last few thousand years allowing South East England to have nice summers featuring cricket matches which…

  • Missing…


    Something is missing. I’ve tripped over a few things in recent years that have pointed me in this direction. Yet I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on why it bear-hugs me the way it does. It is the learning of things completely new – but that somehow feel just a little familiar.…

  • Airports are turning Green

    Airports are turning Green

    When my auntie told me this story, sure I nearly keeled over it tickled me so much. It’s amazing what hurdles we are prepared to accommodate when we understand that it’s in our interest to do so. The game is presented to us with simple tribal rules. Them and us. It’s always been played this…

  • The Identity-ometer

    The Identity-ometer

    Pick a side. Well – as I already knew from playing football every lunch break at school, you rarely get to pick your side. It picks you. And to be honest, you should be grateful that you’re on any sort of side at all. And whatever team you’re tentatively part of (not that they pass…

  • Love your neighbour

    Love your neighbour

    As a child, what I saw and what I read didn’t seem to match up. Loving your neighbour, seemed pretty central to what was being taught – yet even as a kid I could see that the adults had moved on from that. It had become problematic. The thing that really confused me was that…

  • Aye, sure, for a bit a craic

    Aye, sure, for a bit a craic

    What’s the craic? – How are you doing? Ach the craic was ninety! – The fun and laughter amongst the people was at very high levels indeed! Aye, sure, for a bit of craic… – Let’s try that idea as we are curious beings in need of entertainment… When I look up a word I…

  • You’ve made Duo sad…

    You’ve made Duo sad…

    My first attempt at learning Irish with the Duolingo app doesn’t go well. I fall foul of it’s attempts to cajole me with stars and gems and special points. Duo’s next tactic is to send me emails deploying the weapon of shame. This is surprisingly effective – given that my greatest fear is the fear…

  • It’s all Japanese to me

    It’s all Japanese to me

    Two years of Latin. Five years of French. One year of German. One year of Spanish. And a brief dalliance with Japanese. But not one word of Gaeilge. Not one. The grammar school that I attended was mixed. It had both girls and boys. It had both protestants and catholics. When I was at school…

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